It’s important to keep your garage door in good working order to not only get in and out of the garage, but also to ensure the safety of those who use it on any level, either directly or indirectly. The idea of the garage door coming down on a car or worse, even a person is terrifying; imagine coming out to your garage and experiencing the horror of someone being crushed underneath your door. It’s something that is truly unfathomable.  Failure to make sure that your garage door is in good working order, or ignoring the issue due to time or financial considerations can create the opportunity for something horrific to occur.

A 2013 report by the Consumer Product Safety commission revealed a staggering 30,000 injuries caused by garage door malfunctions. While the technology and the quality of garage doors and their related parts have improved, disregard for the proper care and maintenance of garage doors can have a devastating result.

According to another survey, the leading causes of garage door injuries are as follows:

  • Crushing or pinching of section joints
  • Falling doors
  • Sharp edges
  • Do it Yourself Repairs
  • Broken glass
  • Broken doors
  • People racing to beat the door before it closes

All of these causes, except for falling doors could have been avoided with by applying something that doesn’t cost a dime, and that’s common sense.  Fingers don’t find their way between garage door panel sections or springs by themselves. Do it yourselfers don’t have to attempt repairs they’re not familiar with, and certainly there are no laws on the books that say you have to race to make it under a garage door before it closes, yet there will be some who feel victimized and will then try and sue the garage door companies and anyone remotely related to the incident in search of that big pay day.

A little common sense goes a long way.  For your safety and for the safety of those around you who come in contact with your garage door, contact us to schedule an appointment today.